The Club of A Bunch of Labs and Papers

Computer systems education is done with tons of labs and paper readings. In this website, we aim at providing a platform for people to work on the labs and read the papers together.

OSSU is a great community providing the a complete computer science education stack. We are not OSSU. If you are looking for a complete education in computer science, please visit their website and join their discord channels.

This website, however, is designed for people who want to fight against the labs from different computer systems courses, as well as people who have gotten the labs done and want to read some papers in the systems field. Like OSSU, we provide chatrooms for different courses; unlike OSSU, we have a hard prerequest for all chatrooms — we require you to finish part of the labs before joining us. More details regarding the prerequest can be found in each course page. Besides, in order to join a reading group which has limited slots, you need to finish at least 60% labs of a related course.

Currently, the community is available in English and Chinese. Click the link and find the courses or reading groups you want. If you cannot find the one you want, you may want to create a chatroom and put it on the website.

Call for Volunteers

We need volunteers to create chatrooms, verify the prerequests, update this website, create forks in other languages, and build the whole community. If you are interested, feel free to submit Pull Requests or ask us to add you to the GitHub organization via GitHub Issues.